JS function breaks – ancestor is null

Trying to troubleshoot why this function is failing and my JS is very very rusty. It’s intended to collapse/expand sections on the page and works when expanding, but then breaks when it’s clicked again and is supposed to collapse that section.
browser debug message

Here’s the calling function (screenshot):

calling function screenshot

Here’s the calling function (full code):

NS.run_expansion = function(categorynode) {
    var categorychildren = categorynode.one(SELECTORS.CONTENTNODE),
        self = this,
        ancestor = categorynode.ancestor(SELECTORS.COURSECATEGORYTREE);

    // Add our animation to the categorychildren.

    // If we already have the class, remove it before showing otherwise we perform the
    // animation whilst the node is hidden.
    if (categorynode.hasClass(CSS.SECTIONCOLLAPSED)) {
        // To avoid a jump effect, we need to set the height of the children to 0 here before removing the SECTIONCOLLAPSED class.
        categorychildren.setStyle('height', '0');
        categorynode.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true');
        categorychildren.fx.set('reverse', false);
    } else {
        categorychildren.fx.set('reverse', true);
        categorychildren.fx.once('end', function(e, categorynode) {
            categorynode.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false');
        }, this, categorynode);

    categorychildren.fx.once('end', function(e, categorychildren) {
        // Remove the styles that the animation has set.
            height: '',
            opacity: ''

        // To avoid memory gobbling, remove the animation. It will be added back if called again.
    }, categorychildren.fx, categorychildren);

    // Now that everything has been set up, run the animation.

And then fails here (screenshot):

failing function screenshot

Failing function (full code):

NS.update_collapsible_actions = function(ancestor) {
    var foundmaximisedchildren = false,
        // Grab the anchor for the collapseexpand all link.
        **togglelink = ancestor.one(SELECTORS.COLLAPSEEXPAND);**

    if (!togglelink) {
        // We should always have a togglelink but ensure.

    // Search for any visibly expanded children.
        // If we can find any collapsed ancestors, skip.
            return false;
        foundmaximisedchildren = true;
        return true;

    if (foundmaximisedchildren) {
        // At least one maximised child found. Show the collapseall.
        togglelink.setHTML(M.util.get_string('collapseall', 'moodle'))
    } else {
        // No maximised children found but there are collapsed children. Show the expandall.
        togglelink.setHTML(M.util.get_string('expandall', 'moodle'))

I have Googled this and played around with the code a bit, but I’m not making any headway. As I said, my JS is very rusty, so please be kind 🙂