How to generate possible results combinations from a multi-page form with multiple choice questions?

I’ve created a multi-page form (5 pages) – each page has radio inputs and only one selection can be made per page (all fields are marked as required). Most answers will be assigned a ‘product’, some answers will be assigned the same product – I need to output the recommended assigned products on the confirmation page. at minimum, one product will be recommended as all questions on the first page have a product assigned, maximum there could be 5 products recommended if the user makes selections where the answer is associated to a product.

Simplified tables for context:

page 1 answers page 1 products
Choice A Product 1
Choice B Product 1
Choice C Product 2
Choice D Product 3
Choice E Product 1
Choice F Product 4
page 2 answers page 2 products
Choice A Product 1
Choice B Product 2
Choice C Product 3
Choice D no product
Choice E no product

and so on…

I sourced some jQuery(?) on another post, and made some edits to interact with the IDs association to my options


$('input[type=radio]').on("change", buttonChanged);

function buttonChanged() {
  if ($("#7_1").is(':checked') && $("#14_12").is(':checked') && $("#12_12").is(':checked') && $("#10_12").is(':checked') && $("#22_12").is(':checked')) {
  } else if ($("#7_2").is(':checked') && $("#14_13").is(':checked') && $("#12_13").is(':checked') && $("#10_13").is(':checked') && $("#22_13").is(':checked')) {


The above works just fine, and the correct confirmation block displays – however, I’m just guessing there has to be an easier way to calculate/generate all possible combinations rather than writing each possible combo and having a lot of confirmation blocks in the code… I can use jQuery or JavaScript with the form tool I’m using – how to write this a bit easier?

Some of the HTML form code also (build is in progress still):

**PAGE 1**
<div class="ee_list_item_label">
            <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="7" id="7_1" value="1" required="required"></span>
            <label class="ee_editable ee_answertext" for="7_1"><font>Improved Hair, Skin &amp; Nails</font>
    </div><div class="option-wrapper">
        <div class="ee_list_item_label">
            <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="7" id="7_2" value="2" required="required"></span>
            <label class="ee_editable ee_answertext" for="7_2"><span>Bones &amp; Joint Support</span>
    </div><div class="option-wrapper">
        <div class="ee_list_item_label">
            <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="7" id="7_3" value="3" required="required"></span>
            <label class="ee_editable ee_answertext" for="7_3"><span>Healthy Energy</span>
    </div><div class="option-wrapper">
        <div class="ee_list_item_label">
            <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="7" id="7_4" value="4" required="required"></span>
            <label class="ee_editable ee_answertext" for="7_4"><span>Exercise Support</span>
    </div><div class="option-wrapper">
        <div class="ee_list_item_label">
            <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="7" id="7_5" value="5" required="required"></span>
            <label class="ee_editable ee_answertext" for="7_5"><span>Anti-Aging Support</span>
    </div><div class="option-wrapper">
        <div class="ee_list_item_label">
            <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="7" id="7_8" value="8" required="required"></span>
            <label class="ee_editable ee_answertext" for="7_8"><span>General Wellness</span>

**PAGE 2**
 <div class="ee_list_item_label">
            <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="14" id="14_12" value="12" required="required"></span>
            <label class="ee_editable ee_answertext" for="14_12"><span>30 mins or more intense exercise 5-7 times a week</span>
    </div><div class="option-wrapper">
        <div class="ee_list_item_label">
            <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="14" id="14_13" value="13" required="required"></span>
            <label class="ee_editable ee_answertext" for="14_13"><span>30 mins or more moderate exercise daily</span>
    </div><div class="option-wrapper">
        <div class="ee_list_item_label">
            <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="14" id="14_14" value="14" required="required"></span>
            <label class="ee_editable ee_answertext" for="14_14"><span>30 mins exercise 3-4 times a week</span>
    </div><div class="option-wrapper">
        <div class="ee_list_item_label">
            <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="14" id="14_15" value="15" required="required"></span>
            <label class="ee_editable ee_answertext" for="14_15"><span>Daily walking</span>
    </div><div class="option-wrapper">
        <div class="ee_list_item_label">
            <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="14" id="14_16" value="16" required="required"></span>
            <label class="ee_editable ee_answertext" for="14_16"><span>Little to no exercise</span>