I’m making a slash command to send a user info about command when they use /showallrole I just get this error please help me to check my code.
this code for show all user in my discord.
throw new DiscordAPIError(data, "code" in data ? data.code : data.error, status, method, url, requestData);
DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction
at handleErrors (C:botbot_discord_js_time_rolenode_modules←[4m@discordjs←[24mrestdistindex.js:640:13)
←[90m at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)←[39m
at async BurstHandler.runRequest (C:botbot_discord_js_time_rolenode_modules←[4m@discordjs←[24mrestdistindex.j
at async REST.request (C:botbot_discord_js_time_rolenode_modules←[4m@discordjs←[24mrestdistindex.js:1387:22)
at async ChatInputCommandInteraction.reply (C:botbot_discord_js_time_rolenode_modules←[4mdiscord.js←[24msrcstr
ucturesinterfacesInteractionResponses.js:111:5) {
requestBody: {
files: [],
json: {
type: ←[33m4←[39m,
data: {
content: ←[32m'deleted_user_361e19ab73da: Role: Subscribe Valid Sampai 5/02/2024 14:38 (setahun)n'←[39m +
←[32m'cierocielo: Role: Subscribe Valid Sampai 21/01/2025 6:59 (22 menit)n'←[39m +
←[32m'vincee94: Role: Subscribe Valid Sampai 23/01/2025 16:36 (2 hari)n'←[39m +
←[32m'aruturuuu: Role: Subscribe Valid Sampai 24/01/2025 19:36 (4 hari)n'←[39m +
←[32m'nobo88: Role: Subscribe Valid Sampai 25/01/2025 22:32 (5 hari)n'←[39m +
←[32m'arjuna_inguh: Role: Subscribe Valid Sampai 25/01/2025 22:35 (5 hari)n'←[39m +
←[32m'mayrekber: Role: Subscribe Valid Sampai 27/01/2025 10:13 (6 hari)n'←[39m +
←[32m'uzziel: Role: Subscribe Valid Sampai 30/01/2025 16:17 (9 hari)n'←[39m +
←[32m'kunard: Role: Subscribe Valid Sampai 1/02/2025 22:06 (12 hari)n'←[39m +
←[32m'adre0064: Role: Subscribe Valid Sampai 3/02/2025 21:17 (14 hari)n'←[39m +
←[32m'.beelee: Role: Subscribe Valid Sampai 4/02/2025 2:31 (14 hari)n'←[39m +
←[32m'monte_24678: Role: Subscribe Valid Sampai 17/02/2025 19:58 (sebulan)n'←[39m +
←[32m'harmankardon5: Role: Subscribe Valid Sampai 18/02/2025 14:43 (sebulan)n'←[39m +
←[32m'booboo1433: Role: Subscribe Valid Sampai 18/02/2025 19:53 (sebulan)n'←[39m +
←[32m'irric: Role: Subscribe Valid Sampai 21/02/2025 19:42 (sebulan)n'←[39m +
←[32m'navii2121: Role: Subscribe Valid Sampai 8/04/2025 19:38 (3 bulan)n'←[39m,
tts: ←[33mfalse←[39m,
nonce: ←[90mundefined←[39m,
embeds: ←[90mundefined←[39m,
components: ←[90mundefined←[39m,
username: ←[90mundefined←[39m,
avatar_url: ←[90mundefined←[39m,
allowed_mentions: ←[90mundefined←[39m,
flags: ←[33m64←[39m,
message_reference: ←[90mundefined←[39m,
attachments: ←[90mundefined←[39m,
sticker_ids: ←[90mundefined←[39m,
thread_name: ←[90mundefined←[39m
rawError: { message: ←[32m'Unknown interaction'←[39m, code: ←[33m10062←[39m },
code: ←[33m10062←[39m,
status: ←[33m404←[39m,
method: ←[32m'POST'←[39m,
url: ←[32m'https://discord.com/api/v10/interactions/1331044983817375835/aW50ZXJhY3Rpb246MTMzMTA0NDk4MzgxNzM3NTgzNTpic0
And here is the full code :
const moment = require("moment");
const { SlashCommandBuilder, AttachmentBuilder } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Show the expiration time of all roles')
.addRoleOption(option => option.setName('role').setDescription('The role to show users for').setRequired(true))
.addStringOption(option => option.setName('sort').setDescription('Sort order').addChoices({name: 'Ascending', value: 'asc'}, {name: 'Descending', value: 'desc'}).setRequired(true)),
async execute(client, interaction, guildId, db) {
const roleId = interaction.options.getRole('role').id;
const sortOrder = interaction.options.getString('sort') || 'asc'; // Default to ascending if sort option not provided
let reply = "";
const users = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM members WHERE role = ? ORDER BY unixTimestamp " + (sortOrder === 'asc' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC')).all(roleId); // Get all users from the database, sorted by expiry
if (users.length > 0) {
for (const user of users) {
const date = moment.unix(user.unixTimestamp); // Convert
const currentData = moment();
const duration = moment.duration(date.diff(currentData));
const formattedDuration = duration.humanize();
const member = await client.users.fetch(user.memberId); // Fetch the user object from Discord API
if (member) {
reply += `${member.username}: Role: ${(await interaction.guild.roles.fetch(user.role))?.name} Valid Sampai ${date.format("D/MM/YYYY H:mm")} (${formattedDuration})n`;
} else {
reply = "Tidak ada Time Role";
if (reply.length < 2000) {
await interaction.reply({ content: reply, ephemeral: true });
} else {
const attachment = new AttachmentBuilder(Buffer.from(reply), { name: 'output.txt' });
await interaction.reply({ files: [attachment], ephemeral: true });
I couldn’t find any answers to this problem on the internet so I’m hoping you can answer it. Thank you in advance!