I have took a build file in nextjs. While running the index.html from build. Can’t load the peer components through routing. Even css isnt loading. Help me to understand this problem.
Uncaught Error: Minified React error #418; visit https://react.dev/errors/418?args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
at rv (framework-a4ddb9b21624b39b.js:1:30568)
at ot (framework-a4ddb9b21624b39b.js:1:75177)
at ua (framework-a4ddb9b21624b39b.js:1:111832)
at framework-a4ddb9b21624b39b.js:1:111677
at ul (framework-a4ddb9b21624b39b.js:1:111685)
at i3 (framework-a4ddb9b21624b39b.js:1:108046)
at uT (framework-a4ddb9b21624b39b.js:1:128652)
at MessagePort.z (framework-a4ddb9b21624b39b.js:1:179469)Understand this errorAI
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Anybody could explain what does it says?