I have SFTP code using Javascript for transfering file from our local on-prem server to cloud server (in this case is from ServiceNow MID Server to AWS S3). But I am required to transfer by using HTTPS protocol (port : 443). Question, by using below information,
- Can I reused same script but just changing port from 22 to 443?
- If cant, then how I can alter the existing code from SFTP into HTTPS?
Endpoint : sn-bucket-stg.vpce-xxx-xxx.s3.us-east-1.vpce.amazonaws.com
Port : 443
Username : sn-aws-user
Password : xxxxxxxxx
Objective : Transfer file A.pdf from Folder C:/AWS to S3 Bucket sn-bucket-stg/SNFolder
SFTP code :
var SFTP_Test = Class.create();
SFTP_Test.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
this.Properties = Packages.java.util.Properties;
this.StringUtil = Packages.com.glide.util.StringUtil;
this.BufferedWriter = Packages.java.io.BufferedWriter;
this.File = Packages.java.io.File;
this.FileWriter = Packages.java.io.FileWriter;
this.FileReader = Packages.java.io.FileReader;
this.Encrypter = new Packages.com.glide.util.Encrypter();
this.FileOutputStream = Packages.java.io.FileOutputStream;
this.FileInputStream = Packages.java.io.FileInputStream;
this.BufferedReader = Packages.java.io.BufferedReader;
this.InputStreamReader = Packages.java.io.InputStreamReader;
this.OutputStraem = Packages.java.io.OutputStream;
this.OutputStreamWriter = Packages.java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
this.BufferedOutputStream = Packages.java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
this.Thread = Packages.java.lang.Thread;
this.targetServer = "sn-bucket-stg.vpce-xxx-xxx.s3.us-east-1.vpce.amazonaws.com";
this.targetPort = "22";
this.targetUsername = "sn-aws-user";
this.targetPassword = "xxxxxxxxxxx";
this.targetPath = "SNFolder";
this.FILE_PATH = "C:/AWS";
this.FILE_NAME = "A.pdf";
this.PROCESSED_PATH = "C:/SNFolder/Backup";
this.FILE_EXTENSION = "pdf";
FileTransfer: function() {
try {
var localFileName = this.FILE_PATH + "/" + this.FILE_NAME;
var processedFileName = this.PROCESSED_PATH + "/" + this.TARGETFILENAME;
this.log("Copying from local file : " + localFileName);
this.sftpFile(this.targetServer, this.targetUsername, this.targetPassword, localFileName, this.targetPath + this.TARGETFILENAME, processedFileName);
} catch (e) {
this.log("Error : " + e);
sftpFile: function(hostName, userName, password, localFileName, remoteFileName, processedFileName) {
if (!this.targetPort) {
this.targetPort = 22;
var authPassword = new Packages.com.glide.util.Encrypter().decrypt(password);
var jsch = new Packages.com.jcraft.jsch.JSch();
var jschSession = jsch.getSession(userName, hostName);
var config = this.Properties();
config.put("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");
var channelSftp = jschSession.openChannel("sftp");
try {
var inputFile = new this.File(localFileName);
if (this.FILE_EXTENSION == 'xlsx') {
var inputStream = this.FileInputStream(inputFile);
var outputStream = this.FileOutputStream(processedFileName);
var byteRead;
while ((byteRead = inputStream.read()) != -1) {
} else {
var fileReader = this.FileReader(inputFile); // A stream that connects to the text file
var bufferedReader = this.BufferedReader(fileReader); // Connect the FileReader to the BufferedReader
//create new file
// Creates a FileOutputStream
var outputFile = this.FileOutputStream(processedFileName);
// Creates an OutputStreamWriter
var output = this.OutputStreamWriter(outputFile);
var line;
while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
// Writes string to the file
// Closes the reader
// Closes the writer
this.log('copied file to ' + processedFileName);
channelSftp.put(processedFileName, remoteFileName);
this.log("File has successfully copied to target path");
} catch (e) {
this.log('Error: ' + e);
try {
// kill connection
} catch (e) {
this.log('Error: ' + e);
type: 'SFTP_Test'