Why does my repeater in Wix Code only load the first related video instead of all related videos?

I am working with Wix Code to display related videos in a repeater. I am using the following code to configure the repeater elements with the data obtained from my backend:

$w('#repeatervideos').onItemReady(($item, itemData) => {            
    const videoLinks = [
    ].filter(link => link);
    console.log("videos encontrados", videoLinks);

    if (videoLinks.length > 0) {
        $item('#videoPlayer1').src = videoLinks[0];
    } else {
$w('#repeatervideos').data = res.items;

I want the repeater to show related videos (relatedvideo1, relatedvideo2, relatedvideo3) in different elements if available.
Currently, it only loads the first video (relatedvideo1) and does not show the other videos in the repeater. Even when more videos are available in itemData, they are not reflected in the repeater elements. I have used an array (videoLinks) to filter out undefined or empty values. But only the first video in the list seems to load in the repeater.

How can I make the repeater show all available videos relatedvideo1, relatedvideo2, etc.?

Is there anything I need to adjust in my logic or repeater settings to get the other videos to display correctly?

I am sure that relatedvideo2 and relatedvideo3 data exists in some cases because I see it in console.log(videoLinks).
The repeater is correctly linked and the data is set with res.items.