Some context is needed for my question at the bottom of the post. There are two tables in the DynamoDB with the following schema.
type Post @model {
id: ID!
author: String!
comments: [Comment] @hasMany
type Comment @model {
id: ID!
description: String!
post: Post! @belongsTo
The Post table
has 125 posts. The Comment table
has 3000+ comments. Fetching all 125 Posts takes less than 5 seconds. Fetching all 3000+ comments with a limit of 1000 and paginating takes more than 10 seconds.
In each Post
object, it contains a limit of 100 comments. Assuming each Post has 100+ comments, when we fetch all 125 posts, we have 1,250 of 3000+ comments within 5 seconds versus waiting greater than 10 seconds when we fetch all comments from the Comment table.
Code for fetching from Comment Table
where it takes greater than 10 seconds.
do {
const result = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(listComments, { limit: 1000, nextToken }));
const tokens =;
nextToken =;
} while (nextToken);
In order to speed up the time it takes for our app to get all the comments (the goal), I tried extracting all comment
data from the Post
objects since we get all Post objects much faster. The thinking was if we get 1250 comments from the Posts that quickly, we could just take the nextToken from the Post.comments.nextToken. (array of 100 comments is at Post.comments.items), and hit that same graphql function above. However when doing that, it returns the following pagination error.
error in fetchAllCommentsAPI: {"data":{"listComments":null},"errors":[{"path":["listComments"],"data":null,"errorType":"IllegalArgument","errorInfo":null,"locations":[{"line":2,"column":3,"sourceName":null}],"message":"Invalid pagination token given."}]}
I thought it might be because we need to add a filter for the specific Post we are fetching for but that gave the same error.
Adding a filter to my nextToken graphql call causes an error:
const result = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(listComments, { filter: { commentPostId: { eq: postId } }, nextToken })); // where commentPostId is the id of the Post.
I dont understand why I am getting that error, I would think the nextToken would take you to that filtered page.
How can I use nextToken when fetching comments while filtering for a specific post?
Is there a better way to get all comment data efficiently / is extracting is from Post objects bad practice?