Java Spring thymeleaf, Can I use two context on the same form?

I am a Junior dev in internship and I would like have a correct answer about my problem…

I need to modify a web app for my company, my tutor want use a new context on a form for doing connected test (currently the form use a another context)
The problem is she want to had this method on the same form with a new button for connected test….

My major problem is the form only use the first orignal button and i can’t add a new button (if I do that the new button will act exactly like the old one)

With this new “connected” button I need to call my new context but right now I can’t see if my new context work because the current button doesn’t call this one.

So this is my redirect.html page

<div class="col col-md-6" id="PUCContext">
<div class="panel panel-primary">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">PUC Context</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<div th:if="${exception==null}">
<input hidden="hidden" id="submitPuc" th:value="${submitPuc}">

<form id="lanceurForm" target="lanceurFrame" hidden="hidden"
th:object="${hcontext}" th:action="${havanaPucUrl}"

<div class="form-group">
<textarea th:field="*{ihmLaunchParams}" name="ihmLaunchParams"
rows='13' maxlenght='3000' class="form-control"



<div class="form-group">
<div class="input-group">
<div class="input-group-addon">Identifiant agence</div>
<select id="idAgence" name="idAgence" class="form-control">
<option th:each="elem : ${IdAgences.idAgences}"
th:value="${elem}" th:text="${elem}"></select>

{other data from my form ...}

<button id="submitPuc" type="submit" 
class="btn btn-default" >Test Bouchonné</button>
<button id="submitTestConnecte" type="submit"                                      class ="btn btn-default"  >Test Connecté </button>


and this is my redirect.js page :

    //Button "Test Bouchonné Context PUC"
    $(document).ready ( function () {
        var submitPuc = $("#submitPuc").val();
            $( "#lanceurForm" ).submit();
            $( "#PUCEvents" ).removeClass('col-md-3').addClass('col-md-  7').addClass('col-md-offset-3')
    //Button "Test connecté Context PUC" 
          $(document).ready(function () {
               var submitTestConnecte = $("#submitTestConnecte").val();
               if (!!submitTestConnecte) {
                   $( "#lanceurForm2" ).submit();
                   // Hide forms and modify classes as you are doing

                   // Redirect after a short delay to allow any submission process to complete
                   setTimeout(function() {
                       window.location.href = '/connecte';
                   }, 1000); 

this page manages the redirection of my buttons

I’m trying to get my new button to work correctly so that it can call my context (so that I can test it)