how to know if facebook share was successful?

i am following this documentation to implement faebook share using javascript sdk

here is the full code.


    window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
            appId            : '${grailsApplication.config.facebookAppId}',
            xfbml            : true,
            version          : 'v21.0'

<script async defer crossorigin="anonymous" src=""></script>

<a href="#" onclick="myFacebookLogin()">Share me</a>

// Only works after `FB.init` is called
function myFacebookLogin() {

    var lnk = $('input[name=referralLink]').val();

        method: 'share',
        href: lnk
        }, function(response){

            if(response  &&  !response.error_code){
                    alert("Post was successful!");
                    alert('Error occured! Please try again!');





Clicking on the button will show the share popup window. After sharing the post, the javascript true block should execute in if(response && !response.error_code){ but the false block is executing. The response is empty.

How can we know if the facebook post was shared or the popup window was closed without sharing?

I appreciate any help! Thanks!