Trying to show all events in fullCalendar EXCEPT the events that have ID “except_date”

I am trying to get a form showing when a date is clicked in fullCalendar. I want all the events available on that date to show up in the form, EXCEPT those dates that have the title “excursion name . “+ Except Date”” and id “except_date”. So I want the form to show all of the events except the events that I have given id “except_date”.

var eventsOnDate = allEvents.filter(function(event) {
                var eventStart = event.startStr; // Event start date (ISO string)
                var eventEnd = event.endStr; // Event end date (ISO string, exclusive)
                var except_dates = calendar.getEventById("except_date");
                return info.dateStr >= eventStart && info.dateStr < eventEnd && !== ;

The problem is that I get Uncaught SyntaxError: '#' not followed by identifier when I try to run it in my browser.
This is my full code

global $wpdb;
    $table_name = 'wp_booking_seasons';
    //select all rows from the database 

    $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $table_name");
    ob_start(); // Start output buffering
    <div id="calendar"></div>
    <div id="date-selection-form" style="display:none;">
    <h3>Select Date Information</h3>
    <form id="date-form">
        <label for="event-title">Event Title:</label>
        <input type="text" id="event-title" name="event-title" readonly style="width:400px"><br><br>
        <!input type="text" id="event-title" name="event-title" required><br><br>

        <input type="hidden" id="selected-date" name="selected-date">
        <div id="time-slots">
            <!-- Time slots will be dynamically inserted here -->
        <input type="submit" value="Submit">
        // show fullcalendar
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    // show calendar within the calendar div 
    var calendarEl = document.getElementById('calendar');
    var calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(calendarEl, {
        //Set month view of the calendar 
        initialView: 'dayGridMonth', 
        //start the events array
        events: [
        //initialize an empty events array
        $events= [];
        //iterate through each row of events 
        foreach ($results as $row){ 
            //insert into events array the json_encoded (string version) of the title, startdate and end date. These correspond to the season in which the excursions are available for booking 
            $events[]= json_encode([
                //fetch each row value from the database 
                'title'=> $row->excursion_name,
                'start'=> $row->start_date,
                'end'=> $row->end_date,
                'timeSlots' => esc_js($row->time_slots)
            //check if the except_dates row is empty   
        if (!empty($row->except_dates)) {
            $except_dates = json_decode($row->except_dates, true); 
            if (is_array($except_dates)) {
                //fetch the values from the except_dates array 
                foreach ($except_dates as $key => $date) {
                    $events[] = json_encode([
                        //give except dates a new name 
                        'id' => "except_date",
                        'title' => $row->excursion_name . " - Except Date",
                        'start' => $date,
                        'end'   => $date, 
                    //join together all of the events with , into the events array
                    echo implode(",n", $events); ?>
        dateClick: function(info) {
            var dateForm = document.getElementById('date-selection-form');
            dateForm.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start' });
            document.getElementById('selected-date').value = info.dateStr;
            document.getElementById('date-selection-form').style.display = 'block';
            // Get all events on the calendar
            var allEvents = calendar.getEvents();

            // Filter events that match the clicked date
            var eventsOnDate = allEvents.filter(function(event) {
                var eventStart = event.startStr; // Event start date (ISO string)
                var eventEnd = event.endStr; // Event end date (ISO string, exclusive)
                var except_dates = calendar.getEventById("except_date");
                return info.dateStr >= eventStart && info.dateStr < eventEnd && !== ;

            // Get the "Event Title" input field
            var eventTitleInput = document.getElementById('event-title');
            var timeSlotsDisplay = document.getElementById('time-slots');
            // Display the event titles in the input field
            if (eventsOnDate.length > 0) {
                var eventTitles = [];
                var timeSlots = [];

                eventsOnDate.forEach(function(event) {

                    // Extract time slots if available
                    if (event.extendedProps.timeSlots) {
                        var slots = event.extendedProps.timeSlots.split(","); // Assuming CSV format

                // Populate the event title and time slots
                eventTitleInput.value = eventTitles.join(", ");
                timeSlotsDisplay.innerHTML = "<strong>Available Time Slots:</strong><ul><li>" + timeSlots.join("</li><li>") + "</li></ul>";
            } else {
                // Clear fields if no events
                eventTitleInput.value = "";
                timeSlotsDisplay.innerHTML = "<strong>No time slots available for the selected date.</strong>";
            //alert("Date clicked: " + info.dateStr); // Date string from FullCalendar

    return ob_get_clean(); // Return the buffered content