Let’s say we have a file named foobar.enc and a script called decrypt-from-stdin-to-stdout.js. the file foobar.enc contains an AES-encrypted text. This text is unencrypted as follows: “foobar”.
The script is being called in this way:
cat foobar.enc | node decrypt-from-stdin-to-stdout.js
Expected output on console should be: “foobar”
But it is “fooba” instead.
Im am working with Windows 10 Professional and Cygwin and Node v20.9.0. Another test with same input file and script on a native Debian system yields the same strange result.
So what is the problem with the script?
This is the script:
const crypto = require('crypto');
const zlib = require('zlib');
function createCipherKeyBuffer(passwordStr) {
return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(passwordStr).digest();
const stdoutStream = process.stdout;
const stdinStream = process.stdin;
let decipherStream;
let initVectBufferCreated = false;
stdinStream.on('data', inputBuffer => {
if (inputBuffer.length >= 16 && !initVectBufferCreated) {
const initVectBuffer = inputBuffer.subarray(0, 16);
initVectBufferCreated = true;
const unzipStream = zlib.createUnzip();
const cipherKeyBuffer = createCipherKeyBuffer('power237');
decipherStream = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes256', cipherKeyBuffer, initVectBuffer);
/*stdinStream.on('end', () => {
console.error('stdinStream on end');
decipherStream.write(inputBuffer.subarray(16, inputBuffer.length));
} else if (inputBuffer.length < 16) {
console.error('input too small');
} else {
Some hints:
I know using passwords in source code is a bad habit. But this code is not for production purposes but only for test. I would just like to understand the main problem.
When I use a larger text like “foobarbazboz”, everything is working fine.
The file foobarbazboz.enc contains the encrypted text.
Calling like:
cat foobarbazboz.enc | node decrypt-from-stdin-to-stdout.js
This outputs (as expected):
This is the Base64-encoded data for the file foobar.enc:
And this is the Base64-encoded data for the file foobarbazboz.enc:
Since the both input files contains binary (encrypted) data and because I want to avoid external resources, I have decided to encode them with Base64 and print them here.
I am sorry for that circumstance. So please first decode the strings and write them to the test files mentioned above.
You can decode them like as follows:
echo "9BoTOZenA+Ynw0m9/Qzqij9Wzw/VkkuVGXR/jm2+YneeQ08L75ylM6gk+EmhwYJE" | base64 -d > foobar.enc
echo "zKTsPq7wvdW7dxSj/tNTtC9R7sAvPhrBsgbFDcvSE7CgvGY7DWyBsDtroOh1gOVwUhCv3TbBCb8Ar+UU3DeDAw==" | base64 -d > foobarbazboz.enc