In OpenTelemetry typescript, can you exclude instruments from view?

Let’s say I have something like this:

const fooView = new View({
      instrumentName: "*_foo",
      // options for foo instruments

const barView = new View({
      instrumentName: "*_bar",
      // options for bar instruments

Then I also want to have something like this:

const defaultView = new View({
      // do something here to capture all instruments EXCEPT foo and bar ones

And just for full context, these will then be used like this:

var meterProvider = new MeterProvider({
      views: [fooView, barView, defaultView],
      // other options here

My question is: how do I define defaultView to achieve this? The problem is instrumentName is not a standard regexp. And the view documentation from here doesn’t mention any way of excluding specific names. Is there a workaround for this?