Sortable js on change the drag element source it impact the dragged element

I am using sortable js

The issue occurs because the filterValue state you use for the search functionality applies a hidden class to the drag source items, but this hidden state affects the dropped items

for example
Example action for drag and drop and search

"use client"; 

import {WEB_FUNC,SAP_FUNC,CONTROLS} from "./options"; 
Sortable.mount(new MultiDrag(), new Swap()); 
export default function Home() {

  function addChildFunctions(evt:any) {
    const draggedElement = evt.item.cloneNode(); // The dragged DOM element
    if(!draggedElement) return;
    const draggedIndex = draggedElement.getAttribute("data-el-id"); // Retrieve index
    const draggedGroup = draggedElement.getAttribute("data-group"); // Retrieve index
    const draggedData = CONTROLS.find(
      (group ) => == draggedGroup && group.items.find(item=>
    if (draggedData ) {
      // Make the dropped element a drop container dynamically
      const childContainer = document.createElement("ul");
      childContainer.className = "dynamic-drop-area bg-blue-50 drop-area p-5";

      // Initialize Sortable on the new container
      Sortable.create(childContainer, {
        handle: ".drag-handle",
        group: {
          name: "shared",
          pull: "clone",
        forceFallback:  true,
        animation: 200,
        sort: true,
        multiDrag: true, // Enable multi-drag
        selectedClass: "selected",
        onAdd: addChildFunctions,
  const dragElement = useRef([]);
  const dropArea = useRef(null); // Single reference for the drop area
  const searchInput = useRef([]);
  useEffect(() => {
    dragElement.current.forEach((a) =>
      Sortable.create(a, {
        animation: 200,
        group: {
          name: "shared",
          pull: "clone",
          put: false,
        forceFallback:  true,dragoverBubble: false,
        sort: false,
    if (dropArea.current) {
    Sortable.create(dropArea.current, {
      handle: ".drag-handle",
      animation: 200,
      group: {
        name: "shared",
        pull: false, // Drop area should not pull items
        put: true, // Accept items
      forceFallback:  true,dragoverBubble: false,
      sort: true,
      multiDrag: true, // Enable multi-drag
      selectedClass: "selected",
  }, []);
  const [filterValue,setFilterValue]=useState("");
  return (

      <div className={  "flex flex-row "}>
        <div className="basis-1/5  p-5 max-h-screen overflow-auto">
        <div className="flex items-center rounded-md bg-white pl-3 outline outline-1 -outline-offset-1 outline-gray-300 has-[input:focus-within]:outline has-[input:focus-within]:outline-2 has-[input:focus-within]:-outline-offset-2 has-[input:focus-within]:outline-indigo-600">
        <input type="text" name="price" id="price" onChange={()=>{
        }} ref={searchInput} className="block min-w-0 grow py-1.5 pl-1 pr-3 text-base text-gray-900 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:outline focus:outline-0 sm:text-sm/6" placeholder="Search" />
          {[...CONTROLS,...WEB_FUNC ] .map((group, index) => {
            return (
              <div className="border-b border-slate-200" key={}>
                  onClick={() => toggleAccordion(index)}
                  className="w-full flex justify-between items-center py-5
                    id={"icon-" + index}
                    className="text-slate-800 transition-transform duration-300"
                  id={"content-" + index}
                  className="open  overflow-hidden transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out"
                  <div className="pb-5 text-sm text-slate-500 connect">
                    <ul ref={(el) => (dragElement.current[index] = el)}>
              , i) => (
                          className={"gap-x-6 p-2 my-2 bg-gray-50 " +  ((filterValue===""?"":  a.label.toLowerCase().includes(filterValue?.toLowerCase?.())?"":"hidden"))}
                          <div className="flex px-2  items-center drag-handle">
                            <span className=" px-2">{a.label}</span>

          className="drop-area  min-h-screen  bg-red-50 basis-4/5  p-5"


Initial state:

  1. drag source contains items like Item 1, Item 2, and Item 3.
  2. drop area contains Item 1 (dragged from the source).
    Search action:
  3. i search for Item 2.
  4. in the source list, only Item 2 is shown, and Item 1 and Item 3 are hidden by applying the hidden class.
    Unexpected Behavior:
  5. the hidden class is also applied to Item 1 in the drop area because it shares the same DOM attributes and filtering logic.