FabricJS v6 set Background Image

The documentation of Fabric JS says they dropped support for setBackgroundObject and setBackgroundImage both of which could be set to update the canvas to have a background image:


canvas.setBackgroundImage(imageUrl, canvas.renderAll.bind(canvas), {
    backgroundImageOpacity: 0.5,
    backgroundImageStretch: false

//or the more convoluted:
const rect = new Rect({
  left: 0,
  top: 0,
  width: canvas.width || 0,
  height: canvas.height || 0,
  fill: "transparent",
  opacity: 0,
  stroke: "transparent",
  strokeWidth: 0,
  selectable: false,
  hasControls: false,
const img = new FabricImage(url, {
  crossOrigin: "anonymous",
img.scaleToHeight(canvas.width || 0);
img.scaleToWidth(canvas.height || 0);
rect.set("backgroundImage", img);

How to do it in V6?

The documentation is not clear in how they expect this to be done:

rm setBackgroundColor, setBackgroundImage, setOverlayColor, setOverlayImage: assign the property directly and render the canvas


// Attempt A: (doesn't update the background)
const img =  FabricImage.fromURL(url, { crossOrigin: 'anonymous' });
canvas.set("backgroundImage", img);

//Attempt B: 
// This leads to the error below:
canvas.backgroundImage = FabricImage.fromURL(url, { crossOrigin: 'anonymous' });

Type ‘Promise<FabricImage<Partial, SerializedImageProps, ObjectEvents>>’ is missing the following properties from type ‘FabricObject<Partial, SerializedObjectProps, ObjectEvents>’: noScaleCache, lockMovementX, lockMovementY, lockRotation, and 223 more.ts(2740)
(property) StaticCanvas.backgroundImage?: FabricObject<Partial, SerializedObjectProps, ObjectEvents>
Background image of canvas instance. since 2.4.0 image caching is active, please when putting an image as background, add to the canvas property a reference to the canvas it is on. Otherwise the image cannot detect the zoom vale. As an alternative you can disable image objectCaching