Cannot create route’s draggabe line in leaflet routing

I’m creating a method for map class which responsible for plotting route on map and later be edited by dragging it. L.Routing.Control I do not consider as an option since it treats path’s coordinates as waypoints (both waypoints and plan option) and if disable waypoints we won’t be able to create new later when dragging the route. Now I’m trying to use L.Routing.Line since in docs it says Displays a route on the map, and allows adding new waypoints by dragging the line. which looks like what I need, but when I try to create on using following code

public addRoute(pathCoordinates: [number, number][]): void {
    const latLngPath = => new L.LatLng(coord[0], coord[1]));

    const routeLine = L.Routing.line({
        coordinates: latLngPath,
        waypoints: [latLngPath[0], latLngPath[latLngPath.length - 1]],

I always got this error

Uncaught TypeError: wps is undefined
_findWaypointIndices leaflet-routing-machine.js:16984
_getWaypointIndices leaflet-routing-machine.js:17061
_extendToWaypoints leaflet-routing-machine.js:17011
initialize leaflet-routing-machine.js:16967
NewClass Class.js:24
line leaflet-routing-machine.js:16595
debugger eval code:1
addRoute mapService.ts:215

My guess that wps stands for waypoints, but even if I send waypoints: [] I’m still getting same error.
So the question is how to fix this creation problem or what another alternative for setting the route on the map and then changing it by dragging it.