Using Deno 2, I’ve been getting the error message ” Relative import path “@jdeighan/vllu/llutils.js” not prefixed with / or ./ or ../” on and off for a while now, even though my deno.jsonc file contains “@jdeighan/vllu/”: “./src/lib/” in the imports section. FYI, through everything I do, the “current directory” is ALWAYS set to my project root, where the deno.jsonc file resides, and the file ./src/lib/llutils.js file exists.
I’ve finally determined that the problem occurs when I’m running a script installed via “deno install -fgA”. Looking in my ~/.deno/bin folder, after installing a script named compile.js, I see 2 files named ‘compile’ and ‘compile.cmd’ containing:
# generated by deno install
deno "run" "--allow-all" "--no-config" "file:///C:/Users/johnd/vllu/src/bin/compile.js" "$@"
% generated by deno install %
@deno "run" "--allow-all" "--no-config" "file:///C:/Users/johnd/vllu/src/bin/compile.js" %*
I don’t understand why those command lines include the ‘–no-config’ option since my project root contains a deno.jsonc file, and according to the help docs for ‘deno install’ (running ‘deno install –help’) clearly states (for option –config):
-c, --config <FILE> Configure different aspects of deno including TypeScript, linting, and code formatting
Typically the configuration file will be called `deno.json` or `deno.jsonc` and
automatically detected; in that case this flag is not necessary.
Am I doing something wrong? Meanwhile, I’ll try explicitly using the –config option with deno install.