FullCalendar `prev()` and `next()` buttons show the wrong month after selecting a month using `gotoDate()

I am using FullCalendar in my React project, and I have an issue with the navigation buttons (prev() and next()) after clicking on a specific month.

Here’s a simplified version of my code:

const handleMonthClick = (monthIndex) => {
  const calendarApi = calendarRef.current?.getApi();
  const currentDate = calendarApi.getDate(); // Get the current date
  let c_year = Number(moment(currentDate).format("YYYY"));
  let c_month = Number(moment(currentDate).format("MM"));

  if (calendarApi) {
    // Navigate to the clicked month
    const newDate = new Date(c_year, monthIndex, 1); // monthIndex is 0-based
    setSelectedMonth(monthIndex); // Set the selected month
    setSelectedYear(c_year); // Set the selected year

const handleNavigation = (direction) => {
  const calendarApi = calendarRef.current?.getApi();
  const currentDate = calendarApi.getDate();
  let c_year = Number(moment(currentDate).format("YYYY"));
  let c_month = Number(moment(currentDate).format("MM"));

  if (direction === "prev") {
    c_month -= 1; // Decrease month for prev
    if (c_month < 0) {
      c_month = 11; // Wrap around to December
      c_year -= 1; // Decrease the year
  } else if (direction === "next") {
    c_month += 1; // Increase month for next
    if (c_month > 11) {
      c_month = 0; // Wrap around to January
      c_year += 1; // Increase the year

  // Update state with the new year and month

  // Navigate to the updated month
  const newDate = new Date(c_year, c_month, 1);


  • When I click on a month using handleMonthClick(), the calendar correctly navigates to that month.
  • However, when I use the prev() or next() buttons after selecting a month, it sometimes shows the wrong month.
    • For example, after selecting February (month 1) and clicking “next”, the calendar might display March correctly, but if I click “prev”, it might show December instead of January.

What I’ve tried:

  • I’ve tried adjusting the selectedMonth and selectedYear states after each month change, but it doesn’t seem to affect the behavior of the prev() and next() buttons.
  • I’m using calendarApi.gotoDate() to navigate to the selected month, but I’m unsure if this is properly synchronized with the prev() and next() functions.


  • How can I fix the issue so that the prev() and next() buttons correctly show the previous and next months after using gotoDate() to navigate to a specific month?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!