Input field loses focus when I type

I am building a React application that uses an input field to allow users to type a recipe title, then, when they submit the form, the recipe should be added to a RecipeList.

At the moment, my code isn’t working correctly because I can only type 1 word before the input field loses focus. If I had to guess, I would guess that the form is re-rendering somehow when I type a letter.
I want to continue typing without my input losing focus.

Here is my code:

function RecipeApp() {

  const [recipes, setRecipes] = useState(initialRecipes);
  const [recipeInput, setRecipeInput] = useState("");
  const [summaryInput, setSummaryInput] = useState("");
  const [ingredientsInput, setIngredientsInput] = useState([]);
  const [cookTimeInput, setCookTimeInput] = useState("");

  function handleAddRecipe(e) {
    if (!recipeInput || !summaryInput || !ingredientsInput || !cookTimeInput) {
      alert("Please fill out all fields!");

    const newRecipe = {
      id: recipes.length,
      title: recipeInput,
      summary: summaryInput,
      ingredients: ingredientsInput.split(",").reduce(
        (acc, ing, idx) => ({
          [`ingredient${idx + 1}`]: ing.trim(),
      cookTime: parseInt(cookTimeInput, 10),

    setRecipes([, newRecipe]);

  function InputForm() {
    return (
      <form onSubmit={handleAddRecipe}>
        <p>Recipe name</p>
          onChange={(e) => setRecipeInput(}

        <input value={summaryInput} placeholder="Enter a description" />

          placeholder="List up to four ingredients, seperated by a comma"

        <p>Cook Time (minutes)</p>
        <input value={cookTimeInput} placeholder="Time in minutes" />


  function RecipeList() {
    return (
        { => (
          <li key={}>

  return (
    <div className="RecipeApp">
      <InputForm />
      <h2>List of recipes:</h2>
      <RecipeList />