MUI Custom Grid issue for different viewport

I am planning to write a custom mui grid. Grid will behave differently for different viewport.

for XL it is working as expected but not for tablet and small device viewport.

For Tablet, I need gutter 24px and width of each item inside container auto where margin outside container, will be 37px.

For small device, columns would be 4 and width will be auto and gutter will be 8px

working code for XL is as below

import React from "react";
import Grid2 from "@mui/material/Unstable_Grid2"; // MUI Grid2
import { SxProps, Theme } from "@mui/material";

interface MyGridProps {
  container?: boolean;
  gridColumn?: number;
  size?: { [key: string]: number }; // Responsive sizes
  sx?: SxProps<Theme>; // Accept custom styles
  children?: React.ReactNode;

const MyGrid: React.FC<MyGridProps> = ({
  container = false,
  gridColumn = 12,
  sx = {},
}) => {
  const calculateItemStyles = (breakpoint: string): SxProps<Theme> => {
    if (size && size[breakpoint]) {
      const cols = size[breakpoint];
      const width = cols * 70; // Each column is 70px wide

      return {
        flexBasis: `${width}px`,
        maxWidth: `${width}px`,
    return {};

  return (
        ...(container && {
          borderSizing: "border-box",
          flexWrap: "wrap",
          justifyContent: "center",
          gap: "32px", // Default gap for container
          "@media (min-width:1440px)": {
            gap: "32px",
        ...(!container && {
          "@media (min-width:568px)": calculateItemStyles("sm"),
          "@media (min-width:1280px)": calculateItemStyles("xl"),
          "@media (min-width:768px)": {
            gap: '24px'

        }),, // Merge custom styles

export default MyGrid;