Using jQuery Datepicker, I can’t get dateFormat, altFormat and altField to work correctly and output variables formatted as altFormat and using jQuery $(this)
In the example below, the text input to the datepicker shows i.e., 20241218, while the console.logs shows i.e., Date Thu Dec 26 2024 00:00:00 GMT-0700. I’m trying to get the varibles startDate and endDate updated each time a date is selected by the user so that the variables in the format yymmdd can be used in a URL query string.
I realize that datepicker("option", "minDate", startDate)
in the second and third function blocks seems to overwrite the options in the first function .datepicker({dateFormat: "MM dd, yy", altFormat: "yymmdd", altField: "#start_date_picker"})
. But what I’ve tried throws Javascript errors.
The difference seems to have something to do with using $(this)
this when generating the variables startDate
and endDate
in the second and third function blocks.
How can I use dateFormat, altFormat and altField so that they work? And output startDate and endDate in the format yymmdd?
$(function() {
.datepicker({dateFormat: "MM dd, yy",
altFormat: "yymmdd", altField: "#start_date_picker"});
.datepicker({dateFormat: "MM dd, yy",
altFormat: "yymmdd", altField: "#end_date_picker"});
startDate = $(this).
datepicker("option", "minDate", startDate);
endDate = $(this).
datepicker("option", "maxDate", endDate);