Vue3 Pinia State Management

When using Pinia in your ViewModel, are you allowed to combine the viewmodel’s methods along with the pinia actions when using Pinia’s mapActions and mapState wrappers? or do all methods and computed methods have to remain in the pinia store and then be referenced in the viewModel?

    computed: {
        ...mapState(useFilterStore, ['selectedItem', 'selectedOrderBy', 'selectedPageSize', 'toggle', 'toggleAdvFilter', 'view']),
        ...mapState(useCalendarStore, ['getCalendarByUser']),
        setting() { return Base.currentUser.CalendarSetting },
    methods: {
        ...mapActions(useCartStore, ['addToCart']),
        async SendRequest(form) { await new UserService().SendCalendarRequest(form); },

I’ve tried commenting out each mapState/mapAction and vice versa with the viewModel methods