Is this StockfishWorker implementation for evaluating chess moves functional and efficient?

I’m working on a chess analysis tool that uses a StockfishWorker class to evaluate moves and provide engine suggestions. The code is designed to interface with a web worker running Stockfish, handle communication, and process multi-PV lines.

Here’s the complete code for the class:

import type { EngineLine, Evaluation, Lan } from '../types/Game';
import type GameReviewManager from './_GameReviewManager';
import { getCloudEvaluation } from '../api/lichessApiAccess';

class StockfishWorker {
  private workerUrl: URL;
  private stockfishWorker: Worker;
  private verbose: boolean;
  private multipv: number;
  private targetDepth: number;
  readonly game_review_manager: GameReviewManager;

  private waitFor(response: string, errormsg = 'error') {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const listener = <K extends keyof WorkerEventMap>(
        e: WorkerEventMap[K],
      ) => {
        if (this.verbose) console.debug(e);
        if (e instanceof MessageEvent && {
          this.stockfishWorker.removeEventListener('message', listener);
      this.stockfishWorker.addEventListener('message', listener);
      // Add a timeout for error handling (optional)
      setTimeout(() => {
        this.stockfishWorker.removeEventListener('message', listener);
        reject(`delay time exceeded: ${errormsg}`);
      }, 5000);

  _init(restart = false) {
    return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
      this.stockfishWorker.onmessageerror = (e) => console.debug(e);
      if (!restart) {
        await this.waitFor('uciok', 'uci setup error');
      } else console.debug('Restarting engine...');
        `setoption name MultiPV value ${this.multipv}`,
      this.waitFor('readyok', 'this.stockfishWorker not ready after timeout')
        .then(() => {
        .catch((err) => {
          throw new Error(err);

  evaluateMove(fen: string = 'startpos'): Promise<EngineLine[]> {
    console.log('evaluate move');
    !fen || fen == 'startpos'
      ? this.stockfishWorker.postMessage(`position startpos`)
      : this.stockfishWorker.postMessage(`position fen ${fen}`);
    this.stockfishWorker.postMessage(`go depth ${this.targetDepth}`);

    let messages = [];
    let lines: EngineLine[] = [];
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const listener = <K extends keyof WorkerEventMap>(
        e: WorkerEventMap[K],
      ) => {
        if (e instanceof MessageEvent) {
          if ('depth 0')) {
            if (this.verbose) console.warn(`${e}`);
          if ('bestmove') ||'depth 0')) {
            this.stockfishWorker.removeEventListener('message', listener);
            let searchMessages = messages.filter((msg) =>
              msg.startsWith('info depth'),
            for (let searchMessage of searchMessages) {
              // Extract depth, MultiPV line ID and evaluation from search message
              let idString = searchMessage.match(/(?:multipv )(d+)/)?.[1];
              let depthString = searchMessage.match(/(?:depth )(d+)/)?.[1];

              let bestMove: Lan =
                searchMessage.match(/(?: pv )(.+?)(?= |$)/)?.[1];

              let evaluation: Evaluation = {
                type: searchMessage.includes(' cp ') ? 'cp' : 'mate',
                value: parseInt(
                  searchMessage.match(/(?:(?:cp )|(?:mate ))([d-]+)/)?.[1] ||
              // Invert evaluation if black to play since scores are from black perspective
              // and we want them always from the perspective of white
              if (fen && fen.includes(' b ')) {
                evaluation.value *= -1;
              // If any piece of data from message is missing, discard message
              if (!idString || !depthString || !bestMove) {
                    id: parseInt(idString),
                    depth: parseInt(depthString),
                    evaluation: { type: 'mate', value: 0 },
                    bestMove: 'a1a1',
                    id: parseInt(idString),
                    depth: parseInt(depthString),
                    evaluation: { type: 'mate', value: 0 },
                    bestMove: 'a1a1',

              let id = parseInt(idString);
              let depth = parseInt(depthString);

              // Discard if target depth not reached or lineID already present
              if (
                depth != this.targetDepth ||
                lines.some((line) => == id)

            clearTimeout(timeoutId); // Clear the timeout if message is received
            console.debug('cleared time out id');
      this.stockfishWorker.addEventListener('message', listener);
      const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
        this.stockfishWorker.removeEventListener('message', listener);
        reject(new Error('takes alot of time'));
      }, 20000); // Adjust timeout as needed

  private restartWorker(
    ui_update_callback: () => void,
    move: {
      current_fen: string;
      move_num: number;
      sanmove: string;
  ) {
    console.log('restarting worker....');
    this.stockfishWorker = new Worker(this.workerUrl, { type: 'classic' });
    this._init().then(() => {
      this.evaluateStuckMove(ui_update_callback, move).then((res) => {
        if (res.success) {
          console.warn('continue with work');
        } else {
          console.error('restarting worker again');
          this.restartWorker(ui_update_callback, move);

  private async evaluateStuckMove(
    ui_update_callback: () => void,
    move: {
      current_fen: string;
      move_num: number;
      sanmove: string;
  ) {
    try {
      console.debug('evaluating halt move', move);
      const engineLines = await this.evaluateMove(move.current_fen);
      this.game_review_manager.add_enginelines(engineLines, move.move_num);
      return { success: true };
    } catch (error) {
      return { success: false };

  async evaluatePosition(ui_update_callback: () => void) {
    console.log('evaluating position');
    while (!this.game_review_manager.done_evaluating()) {
      const currentMove = this.game_review_manager.get_next_move();
      const { current_fen, move_num } = currentMove;
      console.debug({ currentMove });
      try {
        const engineLines = await this.evaluateMove(current_fen);
        const cloud_eval = await getCloudEvaluation(current_fen);
        console.warn({ cloud_eval });
        console.debug({ engineLines });
        this.game_review_manager.add_enginelines(engineLines, move_num);
      } catch (error) {
        this.restartWorker(ui_update_callback, currentMove);
    return { success: true };

   * @param startingpos : fen format
   * @param multipv : number of lines to return
   * @param verbose : testing
    game_review_manager: GameReviewManager,
    multipv = 2,
    targetDepth = 15,
    verbose = false,
  ) {
    var wasmSupported =
      typeof WebAssembly === 'object' &&
        Uint8Array.of(0x0, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00),

    this.workerUrl = wasmSupported
      ? new URL('./stockfish/stockfish.js', import.meta.url)
      : new URL('./stockfish/stockfish.wasm.js', import.meta.url);
    this.stockfishWorker = new Worker(this.workerUrl, { type: 'classic' });
    this.multipv = multipv;
    //this.evaluateMove = this.evaluateMove.bind(this);
    this.targetDepth = targetDepth;
    this.verbose = verbose;
    //this.waitFor = this.waitFor.bind(this);
    this.game_review_manager = game_review_manager;
export default StockfishWorker;

Initialization: The _init method sets up the Stockfish engine and waits for it to be ready.
Move Evaluation: evaluateMove sends FEN positions to the engine and collects depth-based evaluations.
Timeout Handling: There are multiple timeout mechanisms to ensure the process doesn’t hang.
Worker Restarts: restartWorker attempts to recover the worker if it becomes unresponsive.
Cloud Integration: It also integrates with a cloud evaluation API for additional analysis.
the engine keeps halting and restarting, and the engine sometimes returns an empty result as the eval even if I know it exists one
when I increase the multiple the failing rises a lot to the point of it not working

My Concerns:
Timeouts and Asynchronous Handling: Are the timeout and retry mechanisms implemented correctly to ensure robust communication with the worker?
Message Filtering: Is the filtering and processing of engine output (info depth, bestmove, etc.) reliable for real-time chess analysis?
Redundancy: Certain parts, like pushing fallback lines with placeholder values (a1a1 moves), seem redundant. Should this be optimized?
Worker Performance: Does terminating and restarting the worker frequently affect performance, and is there a better way to handle “stuck” evaluations?