Why does the URL constructor not decode the username/password?

URL decodes searchParams:

> [...new URL('http://localhost?foo%40=bar').searchParams][0]
['foo@', 'bar']

Yet for some reason, it doesn’t decode username/password:

> new URL('http://jimbo%40gmail.com:%40wesome@localhost').username
> new URL('http://jimbo%40gmail.com:%40wesome@localhost').password

Obviously I know how to work around this, but does anyone know the reason why it doesn’t decode them?

RFC 3986 section 3.2.1 specifically indicates that the username/password of a URI may be percent-encoded:

userinfo    = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" )

So I would assume this is a bug if it were not a well-standardized API.