useEffect() with empty dependency array not running on page refresh

I am trying to do some session verification when my page is initially loaded. The AuthenticationRequiredComponent is used as a wrapper for other components that require authentication. If users are not logged in, they should be redirected to the login page. This component has a useEffect callback defined with an empty dependency array, because it subscribes to an auth state change (it is using Firebase Auth). If I go through the whole process of logging in to my website, and get to a page that uses this wrapper, the useEffect is called correctly. However, if I am in a page that uses this wrapper and I hit refresh or if I navigate directly to the url of a page that uses this wrapper, the useEffect is not being called, which results in the page not working correctly. The project is fairly large, so I cannot post the entire code. I will add pseudocode of some of the parent elements for structure:

export const AuthenticationRequiredComponent = ({ children }) => {
    const { session, dispatch } = useContext (SessionContext);
    const navigate = useNavigate ();

    const [ loadingLogin, setLoadingLogin ] = useState (false);

    /* This is the useEffect() that is not running */
    useEffect (() => {
        return isLoggedIn (setLoadingLogin, doWithUser, handleError);
    }, []);

    useEffect (() => {
        if (!session.loggedIn) {
            navigate ("/login");
    }, [ session ]);

    function doWithUser ({ user, token }) {
        dispatch ({ type: "login", user, token: token });

    function handleError (err) {
        console.error (err);
        dispatch ({ type: "logout" });

    return children;

/* This is the parent component */
const MainComponent = () => {
    return <AuthenticationRequiredComponent>
        <Navbar />

        <Outlet />

/* This creates a "route" object, which is then passed to an upper level array,
   and eventually a router is created through `createBrowserRouter`*/
export const businessRoute = {
    path: ":businessId",
    element: <MainComponent />,
    errorElement: <>Error</>,
    children: [

I read the documentation on useEffect, and it says that effects with empty dependency arrays are only run after the initial render. Why then are they not triggered when I refresh the page? When does this initial render happen? Looking around I also noticed that there are other components whose useEffect with empty dependency arrays are not being called on similar scenarios. I would appreciate any help on figuring out why this is happening.