Created a component lib with React and js, but when i wan to use the library i get: The requested module does not provide an export

I have created a simple component library in React with Javascript. The intention is that I can use it locally. So I called a button I created my library(just a simple button). But I keep getting the following error message in the console: “`App.jsx:5 Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module ‘/@fs/C:/Users/davym/Documents/HetDomeinUI/dist/index.js’ does not provide an export named ‘default’ (at App.jsx:5:8)`. Did I probably put something wrong in my package.json in the library?

the 3 screenshots are from my library.

Componententer code here
Export in index.jsenter code here
Package.jsonenter code here
ProjectStructureenter code here

I’ve used this import statement in mine headproject: import BasicButton from "hetdomeinui";

also used this: import {BasicButton} from "hetdomeinui" But it didnt work either.