Dispatch event not working during page route

I’m working on a Angular 14 application in which on a specific scenario where the page load gets the current date (selected from a datepicker) and pass it to the backend to get the data .

In this case the I trigger the datachange event manually in ngOnInit which works on page load or refresh but the event doesn’t get fired when the internal navigation/route happens.

<input type="date" id="bookedDate" formControlName="bookedDate" [min]="getToday" (change)="changeDate($event)" />
ngOnInit(): void{
const inputElement = document.getElementId('bookedDate) as HTMLInputElement;
    this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      const event = new Event(çhange', {bubbles: true});
      //this gets fired in pagerefresh or navigation
  // this event not firing on page navigation

Tried multiple options using ngAfterViewInit, Router/Route events subscription but nothing helped.

Where am i wrong?