Blob download saves as .bin with a random filename instead of .webm

I’m developing a Tampermonkey userscript to capture audio from a webpage using the MediaRecorder API. The script successfully records audio and creates a Blob with the MIME type audio/webm;codecs=opus. However, when I attempt to download the generated audio file, it’s saved with a .bin extension and a random 9-digit filename (e.g. 1298453815.bin) instead of the intended recording.webm.

This is the relevant code snippet.

// Media recorder handling above
const audioBlob = new Blob(audioChunks, { type: 'audio/webm;codecs=opus' });
const audioUrl = URL.createObjectURL(audioBlob);

const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = audioUrl; = 'recording.webm';;

I’ve tried various methods to enforce the correct filename and extension, including explicitly setting the download attribute of the anchor tag and setting the type attribute. Trying GM_download on blob URL, using FileReader to convert the blob to a data URL. I’ve also tested with simple text files created from blobs, and the issue persists. I also inspected the network tab and it shows that the request headers are set with the correct MIME types.

Crucially, I know this is possible and not a browser limitation due to the fact that this site uses blobs for export and the “Save as” window appears with the correct filename and extension.

Could anyone clarify what I’m missing? Is there a proper way to ensure that the downloaded file has the correct filename and extension when using blobs in a Tampermonkey userscript? I’m particularly interested in understanding why the download attribute and GM_download are not working as expected in this context, and how the website I linked manages to achieve the desired behavior.