Failed to fetch –

I have read How do I upload a file with the JS fetch API?


Getting “TypeError: Failed to fetch” when the request hasn’t actually failed

I have some javascript that sends a javascript object to WebApi backend, and it works!

I am now trying to use the same code to upload a file.

This is what I’m trying to upload to (my C# WebApi 2)

public async Task UploadImage([FromBody] object o)
    //do something

and the javascript

const file = inputTypeFile.files[0];

async function withData(url = '', data = {}, verb, success) {

const response = await fetch(url, {
     method: verb, 
     mode: 'cors', 
     cache: 'no-cache',
     credentials: 'same-origin', 
     headers: getHeader(),
     referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer', 
     body: file
 }).catch(function (e) {

I always get a failure

Failed to fetch at withData

If I change the value of file to a valid json object, like {some:123} then it works fine.