Variable breaking script [closed]

If I add a vairable the bot message breaks.

This is the code I have right now

 await channel.send({
        embeds: [{
            color: categories.length > 0 ? CATEGORY_COLORS[categories[0]] : 0x0099ff,
            title: `${article.title} `,
            author: {
                icon_url: `attachment://image.png`,
                name: source
            description: `${cleanDescription.substring(0, 250)}${cleanDescription.length > 250 ? '...' : ''}nn${ => `${cat}`).join(' | ')}nPing: <@&${GLOBAL_PING_ID}> ${categoryPings}n`,
            fields: embedFields,
            footer: {
                text: `Made by Genius74o`
            image: {
                url: thumbnailUrl || '' 
        files: [{
            attachment: `./images/image.png`

But if i change image.png to a variable it breaksThis is the image without the vairable
This is the image with the varaible

It is the right parth to the image

Please help, thanks in advance