JS deobfuscation with shift-ast

I am trying to convert some obfuscated js code using shift-ast.
I want to replace some CallExpressions with their string values.
So far I’ve been able to get the strings that I should use for the replacement in a stringArray by using the shift-refactor library.
I also have an array of all callExpressions names that I want to replace.
Here is a sample of the code:

function O(t, e) {
    var n = 392,
        r = 584,
        o = 407,
        i = 867,
        a = 392,
        c = 584,
        u = 867,
        s = 633,
        f = 985,
        l = 532,
        p = 392,
        h = 584,
        v = 631,
        d = 988,
        g = 1020,
        m = 677,
        y = I,
        b = Object[y(735)](t);
    if (Object[y(n) + y(r) + y(o) + y(i)]) {
        var w = Object[y(a) + y(c) + y(o) + y(u)](t);
        e && (w = w[y(s)]((function(e) {
            var n = y;
            return Object[n(p) + n(h) + n(v) + n(d)](t, e)[n(g) + n(m)];
        b[y(f)][y(l)](b, w);
    return b;

The stringArray I mentioned before is the variable I that is assigned to y and n in this sample code. I want to get the callExpressions y() and n().
I am struggling with how to ensure any replacements are in scope because the varaibleDeclarations use the same names. Finally I want to concatenate all strings that have the + sign.

I’ve tried to read up on shift-parser, shift-template and shift-scope but I can’t quite put it all together.
Please help me with this example so I can know how to handle it.