I need help automating responses within a drill-down question in Qualtrics. Specifically, I have three groups in the drill-down question:
- Group 1: Income in 2023 (answer options: income ranges).
- Group 2: Whether income has changed in 2024 compared to 2023 (answer options: Yes/No).
- Group 3: Income in 2024 (answer options: income ranges).
I want to automatically populate Group 3 with the same value as Group 1 if the respondent selects “No” for Group 2. For example, in my picture, the field for 2024 will be automatically display “Less than €12,189” if the answer for changes is “No”. This would save respondents from having to manually select the same value again in Group 3. I am completely new to JavaScript and would really appreciate your help! Thank you so much!
I’ve tried to use default choices, but is not meeting my need.