Writing Files in a JSON without using require(‘fs’)

I have written a code where it coverts that I should be writting in a file (JSON) and gets read after in my node app. The problem is, if it gets uploaded in the web, this problem appears:

fs.writeFileSync("./newgenesis-sql-db/itemDatabase.json", o, (function(a) {
            a ? console.log("Error writing file", a) : console.log("Successfully wrote file")
rmmz_managers.js:2036 ReferenceError: fs is not defined

Meaning it does not require the fs which is of course done via require(‘fs’). I have a hunch that this is because require.js is not uploaded, but even so, since it is via node, I opted to believe it should work. Do we have to attach it?

This is my code:

    const jsonString = JSON.stringify(actorFiles)
    fs.writeFileSync('./newgenesis-sql-db/actorDatabase.json', jsonString, err => {
        if (err) {
            console.log('Error writing file', err)
        } else {
            console.log('Successfully wrote file')
    const jsonString2 = JSON.stringify(playerItems)
    fs.writeFileSync('./newgenesis-sql-db/itemDatabase.json', jsonString2, err => {
        if (err) {
            console.log('Error writing file', err)
        } else {
            console.log('Successfully wrote file')

The intention was just to actually write the strings I placed inside the JSON. How can I make sure that it will be written on the JSON when the game gets uploaded online? Is there a way to write the texts I want in the JSON without using require(‘fs’) and if so, how?