How to pass key to React functional component inside .map()?

I have faced a typical problem of React must be having ‘key prop for each child’ inside .map() method.

I have tried to make a key inside a functional component, like…

export default function FunctionalComponent({ title, parentDashedTitle }) {
    const dashedTitle = title.split(' ').join('-');

    return <div

But it didn’t work. I have found that React requires the ‘key’ prop to be pointed inside the .map() method’s function itself, but any time I try to put ‘key’ prop inside functional component, like…

export default function ParentComponent({ bigTitle, titles }) {
    const parentDashedTitle = bigTitle.split(' ').join('-');

    return <>
   => {
                const dashedTitle = title.split(' ').join('-');

                return <FunctionalComponent

export default function FunctionalComponent({ title, key }) {
    return <div key={key}>

but it doesn’t work either and returns an error of “key is not a prop and will return undefined if it’s called”. Is there any solution to this problem? Do you have any suggestions?
It doesn’t affect work or appearance of my website, but I want this error to be gone. If it helps, I test it in Safari.