Elevenlabs add voice API call issue in Expo/React Native – unable to send audio files to API

I am creating an Expo app for mobile that allows users to clone voices by uploading audio clips. I am trying to communicate with the Elevenlabs API by allowing the user to upload audio clips using the Expo DocumentPicker, then sending a POST request to the API with the required information. The API reference can be found here: https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/add-voice. When I call the API, I get a response saying that the format is incorrect, and I believe it is relating to how the audio files are being sent.

I have these 2 functions:

This function in the screen that I am calling the file picker from:

const handlePickAudio = async () => {
    const result = await DocumentPicker.getDocumentAsync({
      type: 'audio/*',
      copyToCacheDirectory: true,
    if (result.assets && result.assets.length > 0) {
      // setIsUploading(true);

      const voiceID = await ElevenLabs.createVoice("Demo Voice", [result.assets[0]]);
      console.log("Resulting Voice ID:", voiceID);
      if (voiceID) {
        // router.push({
        //   pathname: "/onboarding/onboarding10",
        //   params: { voiceID: voiceID },
        // });
      else {
        Alert.alert('Error', 'Failed to create voice');

and this function in my elevenlabs functions file:

export const createVoice = async (name: string, audioClips: DocumentPicker.DocumentPickerAsset[]) => {
    // set data/options to send to API
    const formData = new FormData();
    formData.append('name', name);
    formData.append('remove_background_noise', 'true');
    // append each file individually
    for (const clip of audioClips) {
        const response = await fetch(clip.uri);
        const blob = await response.blob();
        formData.append('files', blob, clip.name);

    const options = {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
            'xi-api-key': 'apikey',
        body: formData

    let voiceID = '';

    // send data to API
    const response = await fetch('https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices/add', options);
    const json = await response.json();
    voiceID = json.voice_id;

    return voiceID;

When I call the API, I am getting the response:

response {"detail":[{"loc":["body","files",0],"msg":"Expected UploadFile, received: <class 'str'>","type":"value_error"}]}

I have tried converting the files to blobs and sending them that way, and that did not seem to work either. I also got a successful response from using this curl request on my desktop terminal:

curl --request POST 
  --url https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices/add 
  --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' 
  --header 'xi-api-key: apikey' 
  --form files=@/Users/myname/Desktop/sampleaudioclip.mp3 
  --form name=Samplename 
  --form remove_background_noise=true

It worked on my desktop, but when I try it in the mobile app in Expo, it seems to be giving the files in a different format that the API call does not accept. Please let me know if you would like any more information.