Passing message from javascript to c++ using protobuf and WASM

Please tell me where I’m wrong. I use protobuf for interaction between javascript and c++

There is person.proto which defines

syntax = "proto2";
package tutorial;

message Person {
    optional int32 id = 1;

There is javascript code

const obj = new WebAssembly.Instance(...);

load("person.proto", function(err, root) {
    // Create an instance of Person
    const Person = root.lookupType("tutorial.Person");
    let message = Person.create({ id: 52 });
    let personData = Person.encode(message).finish();

    // Write to memory
    const strOffset = obj.exports.getStrOffset(personData.byteLength + 1);
    let memory = new Uint8Array(obj.exports.memory.buffer, strOffset, personData.byteLength + 1);

    // Get the identifier for verification

There is code in c++

#include "person.pb.h"

char *message;
tutorial::Person *person

char* EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE getStrOffset(const int size) {
 if (message) {
 delete message;
 message = nullptr;
 message = new char [size];
 return message;

int EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE setPersonDataAndGetPersonId(int size) {
 tutorial::Person *person = new tutorial::Person();

 absl::string_view serialized(message, size);

 // serialized.size() // 2
 // serialized[0] // 16
 // serialized[1] // 52

 person->ParseFromString(serialized); // Fail

 return person->id();

The ParseFromString function does not work. There is a feeling that something other than two bytes is expected there
I also tried ParseFromArray, but I got signature errors

Cpp is built with the command

emcc -L ./lib -lprotobuf idw.cpp ./proto/ -Oz -s WASM=1 -s --no-entry -s ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0 -s STANDALONE_WASM -o idw.wasm -lstdc++

How to pass message from javascript to c++?
I will be very grateful for any advice.