I have created a slider component in svelte that shows a number of product cards in a list. The cards are snapping when clicking the right/left button in the scrollbar sinceI have added “scroll-snap-type: x mandatory” in the CSS for the container.
How do i mimic click on the scrollbars left/right-arrows for my custom navigation buttons? Setting the scrollbar position won’t do the trick.
{#each data.productsFeaturedData as product}
<ProductCard product={product}/>
<script lang="ts">
import Flex from '../atoms/Flex.svelte';
import ButtonNavigation from '../molecules/ButtonNavigation.svelte';
$: innerWidth = 0;
$: containerWidth = 0;
$: marginOffset = (innerWidth - containerWidth) / 2 + 8;
const navigateSlider = (x: MouseEvent) => {
if (x.target) {
const element = x.target as HTMLButtonElement;
const direction = element.dataset.direction;
// TODO: Implement button navigation
<svelte:window bind:innerWidth />
<div class="slider-products">
<div class="container" bind:clientWidth={containerWidth}>
<h2>Trending in Shoes</h2>
<div class="button-navigation__container">
<ButtonNavigation direction="left" on:click={navigateSlider} />
<ButtonNavigation direction="right" on:click={navigateSlider} />
<div class="slider-container">
<Flex type="row" vAlign="top" colGap={true}>
style="margin-left: {marginOffset}px; padding-right: {marginOffset}px;"
<slot />