Changed the country for price calculation [closed]

I developed a JS script to calculate the price based on its weight, however I cannot change the country in the calculation, it remains on the default one.
I use a json file to retrieve the prices, weights, countries.

<select name="country" id="country" class="form-control">
    <option value="BE">Belgique</option>
    <option value="FR">France</option>

My js script

window.addEventListener('load', () => {

  let country = document.getElementById('country').value;

  document.getElementById('country').addEventListener('change', function() {
    let country = this.value;


  function getShippingPrice(weight) {
    // Sort the shippingPrices array by weight in descending order
    shippingPrices.sort((a, b) => b.weight - a.weight);
    let closestLowerWeight = null;

    for (let i = 0; i < shippingPrices.length; i++) {
      if (shippingPrices[i].country === country) {
        if (shippingPrices[i].weight <= weight) {
          closestLowerWeight = shippingPrices[i];
          break; // Stop searching when we find a weight less than or equal to the target weight

    if (closestLowerWeight) {
      return closestLowerWeight.price; //+ ' €';

    // If no match is found, you can handle this case, e.g., return a default price
    return "Price not found for this weight";


var shippingPrices = [{"country":"BE","price":10,"weight":0.11},{"country":"BE","price":20,"weight":10},{"country":"BE","price":30,"weight":30},{"country":"BE","price":50,"weight":50},{"country":"BE","price":85,"weight":100},{"country":"FR","price":5,"weight":0.11}];

If I change country no calculation it does not change country
Best Regards