Chrome extension, tailwind css and youtube issue

I am working on a Chrome extension that inserts some HTML into a shadow DOM. Everything works as expected, but on YouTube, the content seems zoomed out. I have also tried setting important: '#modal-root', on my tailwind.config.js, but that doesn’t solve the issue.

I also noticed that when I inspect the text in my extension HTML and look at the computed font size on youtube it shows 10px and on other websites it shows 20px.

I am using React for my Chrome extension with tailwind CSS.

This is how it should look like

enter image description here

And this is how it looks on
enter image description here

Here is how I append the shadow dom:

import Modal from './src/components/Content/Modal.jsx';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';

chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(async (message, sender, sendResponse) => {
    if (message.action === 'showInputPopup') {
        const elementName = 'my-extension';
        const wrapperContainer = document.querySelector(elementName);
        if (wrapperContainer) {
        const modalContainer = document.createElement(elementName);
        const shadowRoot = modalContainer.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });

        // Load Tailwind CSS into Shadow DOM
        const styleLink = document.createElement('link');
        styleLink.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
        styleLink.setAttribute('href', chrome.runtime.getURL('assets/tailwind-generate.css')); // Update this path to your generated CSS file

        // Create an inner div for React to render into
        const reactRootDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'modal-root';

        createRoot(reactRootDiv).render(<Modal />);

And here is my tailwind.config.js

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
import forms from "@tailwindcss/forms";

export default {
  important: '#modal-root',
  content: [
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [