Does the copy of an object whose properties all have primitive values fit the definition of both a deep copy and a shallow copy?

From the page on “Deep copy”:

The copy of an object whose properties all have primitive values fits the definition of both a deep copy and a shallow copy.

I’m not sure I understand this quote.

I know that copies of primitive values are deep copies:

x = 'hello';
y = x;
y = 'world';


But as regards objects, that’s not true:

x = { k: 'v' }
y = x;
y.k = 'w';


In the latter snippet, doesn’t x match the description of

an object whose properties all have primitive values

given that it has just one property to which a string value 'v' is associated?

That’s enough to show the difference between shallow and deep copy, so what is the quote above referring to?