I am not getting the value of my generated text boxes after loading the DOM

I generate text boxes in js based on a value chosen by a number type input :

function updateChannels(input) 
    const container = document.getElementById('description-container');
    const count = parseInt(input.value, 10);

    // Empty the container to reset the descriptions
    container.innerHTML = '';

    // Vérifie que l'entrée est un nombre entre 1 et 4
    if (isNaN(count) || count < 1 || count > 4) 
        input.value = ''; // Reset if the value is invalid
        alert('Please enter a number between 1 and 4.');

    // Add description fields based on value
    for (let i = 1; i <= count; i++) 
        const label = document.createElement('label');
        label.textContent = `Please describe your channel number ${i}`;

        const textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
        textarea.name = `channel_description_${i}`;
        textarea.id = `channel_description_${i}`;
        textarea.className = 'form-control';
        textarea.placeholder = `Description for channel ${i}`;

        // Add the label and text box to the container

So, if I choose 1, a text box is displayed, etc… up to 4.

enter image description here

I retrieve all the data from my form with a $request variable in the route, here is the code :

Route::post('/submit_before', function (Request $request) 
    // Enregistrement de la manipulation
    $manipulation = Manipulation::create([
        'users_id' => $request->input('user'),
        'machines_id' => 1,
        'manipulation_name' => $request->input('manipulation_name'),
        'system_issue' => $request->input('system_free_issue'),
        'system_qualified' => $request->input('system_qualified'),
        'howmany_injections' => $request->input('channelCount'),
        'column_id' => $request->input('column_description'),
        'guard_column_id' => $request->input('guard_column_description'),
        'type_samples' => $request->input('type_of_samples'),


    // Récupérer l'ID de l'enregistrement créé
    $manipulationId = $manipulation->id;
    //récupérer le nombre de description de channels :
    $channelCount = $request->input('channelCount');

    // Boucler pour insérer chaque description de canal
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $channelCount; $i++) {
        // Construire dynamiquement le nom de l'input pour chaque description de canal
        $description = $request->input("channel_description_$i");
        // Insérer dans la table channels_descriptions
            'description' => $description,
            'manipulation_id' => $manipulationId,
            'channel_number' => $i, // Numéro du canal (1, 2, etc.)

    // Rediriger vers la vue `chrono` après l'enregistrement
    return view('chrono');
})->name('submit_before'); // Déplacement de ->name() avant le point-virgule

The problem is that everything is retrieved except the value of my text boxes which are generated dynamically (the name of textareas begins with channel_description_);

#parameters: array:9 [▼
      "_token" => "0dusC043ovYJMZGShMlsBdioLY3nR8Zyw00zrqAO"
      "user" => "1"
      "manipulation_name" => "eerrere"
      "system_free_issue" => "yes"
      "system_qualified" => "yes"
      "channelCount" => "2"
      "column_description" => "21"
      "guard_column_description" => "17"
      "type_of_samples" => "reeee"

They are NULL.

$description = $request->input("channel_description_$i");

null // routes/web.php:72

If I have two, two rows are inserted into the database, but NULL is put in description.

enter image description here

On the other hand, if the text boxes are present when the form loads, I get their values ​​in the $request variable.

Do you have any idea please? Thanks in advance.