I am working on a functionality where clicking on an option in the menu will open up a Modal. The menu to display options has absolute
position and modal backdrop has fixed
position. The modal backdrop also has flex justify-center items-center
class to center the modal.
In current functionality, clicking on buttton opens the modal but menu options still come on top of modal.(z index wise.)
I am aware that working with absolute
position disturbs the existing document flow, but I need it so that the shareMenuOptions
which are opened on clicking the button do not occupy any extra space.
I will share the basic structure to provide more clarity on what I am saying.
The project is made in nextjs.
<TestiMonialItem/> # flex-col
<TestimonialToolbar/> #flex (displays three actions related to testimonial item)
<ShareButton/> #flex-col (one of the actions)
<Button>Share</Button> (Clicking on it opens share Menu options)
<ShareMenuOptions> -> absolute
Code for Share Menu options:
className="text-sm max-h-fit mr-[250px] absolute mt-[50px] w-[200px] flex flex-col items-start bg-slate-200 rounded-md"
className="p-2 hover:bg-slate-300 w-full text-left cursor-pointer flex items-center"
onClick={(e) => setShowEmbedTestimonialModal(true)}
<Code className="text-tiny mr-3" />
Embed the testimonial
<span className="p-2 hover:bg-slate-300 w-full text-left cursor-pointer flex items-center">
<Link className="text-tiny mr-3" />
Get the link
Desired functionality
When I click on embed the testtimonial, The embed modal should Come on top of it and hide it.
Current functionality
THe shareMenuOptions
come on top of the Embed Modal
I have attached the screenshot for reference
Displaying the embed modal by clicking the
Embed the testimonal
As you can see, the shareMenuOptions
come on top of my `EmbedModal, which is not what I want. Is there any way to fix this?