Coloring Sankeyplot links based on source nodes – issue with (sankeyNetwork::colourScale)

I’m trying to assign colors to links within a Sankey diagram command in Rstudio. Specifically, I would like the links to be colored by their source node group (SOF_Data$Species_Binomial).

The links and nodes already display properly, but when the command to color links is included (sankeyNetwork::colourScale), the diagram displays blank. Additionally, the command to color nodes (sankeyNetwork::NodeGroup) displays as the default blue, regardless of the color input from nodes_SOF_Data$color.

Starting data frame, node list creation:


SOF_Data <- data.frame(
  Species_Binomial = c("C. artedi", "C. artedi", "C. artedi", "C. artedi", "C. artedi", "C. artedi", "C. fera", "C. fera"),
  Life_Stage = c("Larva/fry", "Embryotic/egg", "Embryotic/egg", "Embryotic/egg", "Embryotic/egg", "Larva/fry", "Embryotic/egg", "Larva/fry"),
  Effect_Category = c("Growth", "Growth", "Survival", "Growth", "Growth", "Growth", "Growth", "Growth"),
  Categorical_Effect = c("Growth rate", "Other - Specific", "Survival - Specific", "Development rate", "50% hatching time", "Growth rate", "Development rate", "Otolith growth"))
nodes_SOF_Data <- data.frame(name = unique(c(
nodes_SOF_Data$color <- "#000"

Links creation:

links1_SOF_Data <- SOF_Data %>%
  group_by(Species_Binomial, Life_Stage) %>%
  summarize(value = n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(source = match(Species_Binomial, nodes_SOF_Data$name) - 1,
         target = match(Life_Stage, nodes_SOF_Data$name) - 1,
         LinkGroup = Species_Binomial)

links2_SOF_Data <- SOF_Data %>% 
  group_by(Species_Binomial, Life_Stage, Effect_Category) %>% 
  summarize(value = n()) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(source = match(Life_Stage, nodes_SOF_Data$name) - 1,
         target = match(Effect_Category, nodes_SOF_Data$name) - 1,
         LinkGroup = Species_Binomial) 

links3_SOF_Data <- SOF_Data %>% 
  group_by(Species_Binomial, Effect_Category, Categorical_Effect) %>% 
  summarize(value = n()) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(source = match(Effect_Category, nodes_SOF_Data$name) - 1,
         target = match(Categorical_Effect, nodes_SOF_Data$name) - 1,
         LinkGroup = Species_Binomial)

links_SOF_Data <- bind_rows(links1_SOF_Data, links2_SOF_Data, links3_SOF_Data)

links_SOF_Data <- links_SOF_Data %>%
  mutate(color = case_when(Species_Binomial == "C. artedi" ~ "#66c2a5", 
Species_Binomial == "C. fera" ~ "#e78ac3"))

Sankey graph code:

colour_scale_species <- JS("function(d) { return d.color; }")

sankey_SOF_Data <- sankeyNetwork(Links = links_SOF_Data, 
                                 Nodes = nodes_SOF_Data, 
                                 Source = "source", 
                                 Target = "target", 
                                 Value = "value", 
                                 NodeID = "name", 
                                 units = "Count", 
                                 fontSize = 12, 
                                 nodeWidth = 30, 
                                 NodeGroup = "color", 
                                 LinkGroup = "LinkGroup", 
                                 colourScale = colour_scale_species)

I’ve tried imbedding a color hex code column in the links_PaperData column and calling directly from that, although it doesn’t seem to fix the issue.