Accessing User-Agent from Next.js Route Handler?

I’m trying to access a request’s User-Agent header from a route handler I have on my next.js project.
Here is an example:

import { userAgent } from "next/server";
export const dynamic = "force-static";
export async function GET(req: Request) {
  return Response.json({ error: false, message: "Hello, world!" });

The console.log function returns this:

  ua: '',
  browser: { name: undefined, version: undefined, major: undefined },
  engine: { name: undefined, version: undefined },
  os: { name: undefined, version: undefined },
  device: { vendor: undefined, model: undefined, type: undefined },
  cpu: { architecture: undefined },
  isBot: false

The above code is using the userAgent function, which I know is designed for middleware, but for some reason middleware doesn’t seem to have an effect on Route Handlers.
I’ve also tried:

  1. the headers function
  2. Using req.headers.get(“User-Agent”)

and all of the approaches return a null/empty string value. I know the request doesn’t send a null user-agent because if I send a request to the same hosted project on Vercel and open up the Logs, the request shows a valid User-Agent column.