How to Reduce Verbosity of IntelliSense for Node.js in VS Code?

I’m using Visual Studio Code to write Node.js code, and the IntelliSense suggestions for Node’s core modules are extremely verbose.

For example, when I write:

const http = require('http');


and hover over createServer(), I get the following IntelliSense output:

function createServer<typeof http.IncomingMessage, typeof http.ServerResponse>(requestListener?: http.RequestListener<typeof http.IncomingMessage, typeof http.ServerResponse>): http.Server<typeof http.IncomingMessage, typeof http.ServerResponse> (+1 overload)

This verbose suggestion makes it difficult to read the method’s basic structure.

I would like IntelliSense to show a simplified version, such as:

function createServer(requestListener?: (request: IncomingMessage, response: ServerResponse) => void): Server

I’ve already tried configuring "typescript.inlayHints" settings and adding a jsconfig.json file to simplify IntelliSense, but it hasn’t had the desired effect.

Question: Is there a way to adjust VS Code settings or install specific plugins to reduce IntelliSense verbosity for Node.js functions, specifically to show only essential information?