I am struggling on how to convert a string into camel case without apostrophe and white space. Here is my code so far:
function toCamelCase(input) {
return input
.replace(/['W]+(.)?/g, (_, char) => (char ? char.toUpperCase() : ""))
.replace(/^./, (char) => char.toLowerCase());
const result2 = toCamelCase("HEy, world");
console.log(result2); // "heyWorld"
const result3 = toCamelCase("Yes, that's my student");
console.log(result3); // "yesThatsMyStudent"
“”HEy, world”” works. The problem is that it is failing on “Yes, that’s my student”. I got “yesThatSMyStudent” instead of “yesThatsMyStudent”. I have no idea why the “s” in “that’s” is not lowercase. Can someone please explain why this is happening and point me in the right direction? Thank you.