Styled Unicode Characters to Plain Text

I have this code that converts plain text to Unicode styled characters:

function convertText(text, style) {

  // 1. Convert the text to the bold type with the unicode.
  const conv = {
    c: function(text, obj) {return text.replace(new RegExp(`[${obj.reduce((s, {r}) => s += r, "")}]`, "g"), e => {
      const t = e.codePointAt(0);
      if ((t >= 48 && t <= 57) || (t >= 65 && t <= 90) || (t >= 97 && t <= 122)) {
        return obj.reduce((s, {r, d}) => {
          if (new RegExp(`[${r}]`).test(e)) s = String.fromCodePoint(e.codePointAt(0) + d);
          return s;
        }, "")
      return e;
    bold: function(text) {return this.c(text, [{r: "0-9", d: 120734}, {r: "A-Z", d: 120211}, {r: "a-z", d: 120205}])},
    italic: function(text) {return this.c(text, [{r: "A-Z", d: 120263}, {r: "a-z", d: 120257}])},
    boldItalic: function(text) {return this.c(text, [{r: "A-Z", d: 120315}, {r: "a-z", d: 120309}])},

  if(style == 'bold')
  else if(style == 'italic')
  else if(style == 'bolditalic')
    return text;

which I have found on this link:

I tried reversing the code to convert the styled unicode characters to plain text but failed. Hopefully somebody could reverse the code to get the plain text from the styled unicode characters.