I want create simply ruler based on example below:
I know many plugin about measurement in Leaflet, but for some reasons, I want make itself without plugin. I need advise and help for this.
This my function code:
var markersRulerGroup = L.layerGroup();
var tooltipRulerGroup = L.layerGroup();
var rulerIcon = L.divIcon({className: 'bi bi-dot text-ruler-map', iconSize: [0, 0], iconAnchor: [26, 36]});
var markerRuler;
var markersCount;
var tooltipRuler;
function measureDistance(){
if ($('#measureDistanceCheckedState').is(":checked")) {
$('#measureDistanceCheckedState').prop('checked', false);
btnMeasureDistance.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
// markersRulerGroup.removeLayer(markerRuler);
map.eachLayer(function(layer) {
if(layer.options.alt === "markerRuler") layer.removeFrom(markersRulerGroup);
if(layer.options.alt === "tooltipRuler") layer.removeFrom(tooltipRulerGroup);
} else {
$('#measureDistanceCheckedState').prop('checked', true);
btnMeasureDistance.style.backgroundColor = '#dbdbdb';
map.on('click', function(e){
markerRuler = new L.marker(e.latlng, {alt: 'markerRuler', icon: rulerIcon});
markersCount = markersRulerGroup.getLayers().length;
tooltipRuler = new L.tooltip(e.latlng, {alt: 'tooltipRuler', permanent: true, direction:'bottom', offset:[1,6]})
.setContent("THIS MARKER:" +markersCount);
Based on my function above, when i click on map, will adding marker like as below picture:
My problem actually is, I don’t know how to define marker[before] and marker[after]. This important for calculating distance and adding line between two markers. If I know to define marker[before] and marker[after], i expected my result next are below: