How to pass runtime test data to global.teardown.ts?

in fixtures.ts I perform some API calls that create objects in database and returns their ids.

After all tests are done, I need clean the created objects in database.

How do I pass the ids to global.teardown.ts?

What I have

I tries to import fixtures module with a singleton array from global.teardown.ts but the module is reinitialized.


import { entityGuidsToDelete, api } from './fixtures'

async function globalTeardown() {
    //not working yet, because the array is always empty
    for(const entityGuid of entityGuidsToDelete) { 
        await api.deleteEntity(entityGuid);

export default globalTeardown;


export default defineConfig({
  /* Configure projects for major browsers */
  projects: [
      name: 'chromium',
      use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome'] },

  globalTeardown: require.resolve('./global-teardown')
type Fixtures = {
  userApi: Api;
  newEntity: LegalEntityModel;

export const entityGuidsToDelete = new Array<string>();

export const test = base.extend<Fixtures>({
 newEntity: async ({ userApi }, use) => {
    const newEntity = await createNewEntity()
    entityGuidsToDelete.push(; //this is being called
    await use(newEntity);

export { expect } from '@playwright/test';