change value of input type range… dont work same change with mouse

I have 13 inputs type range. The initial value are 0

I can change the values with the mouse for example…. how i can do to change its parameters but with javascript for example, because if i change the values using id and val() and .change() the values changes… but dont wotk the funtions if i do it with mouse…

<input type="range" min="-13" max="13" class="rechancices" id="qwe1253">
<input type="range" min="-13" max="13" class="rechancices" id="qwe1254">
<input type="range" min="-13" max="13" class="rechancices" id="qwe1255">
<input type="range" min="-13" max="13" class="rechancices" id="qwe1256">
<input type="range" min="-13" max="13" class="rechancices" id="qwe1257">


.. change the value, but dont work any event…

solution with javascrit to change inputs range values