How can I create a user inputted field in a dropdown that then adds the inputted field as a dropdown option

I am just getting into coding for my university degree, and while I am loving it so far, I cannot help but feel like what this web engineering course asks for is ridiculously more advanced than what they teach in labs and lectures. For the assignment, I’m creating a form for user’s of the website to enter their 2nd hand products into. It has a dropdown menu, with the option to choose “custom”, which then should allows the users to enter a custom category, and have that become an option in the dropdown menu.I have virtually no idea how to do this, I’m very new to javascript and have tried to make some sort of text input that is originally hidden and pops up when the user selects custom, but whenever trying to click enter on that custom field, it tries to submit the form. I would appreciate if someone could write the function to add this field for me.

<html lang="en">

    <title>DOM Practice (Task 4.1)</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">

    <h1>Submit your 2nd hand Product!</h1>
    <form method="POST" action="../submit.php" onsubmit="return validateForm()" onreset="resetForm()">
        <!-- form for submitting products-->
        <fieldset class="form">
            <fieldset class="fieldSet">
                <legend>Enter your personal information</legend>
                <label for="firstName">*First Name:</label>
                <input type="text" id="firstName" required><br>
                <label for="lastName">*Last Name:</label>
                <input type="text" id="lastName" required><br>
                <label for="pemail">*Email:</label>
                <input type="email" id="pemail" required>
                <br><!-- validate as valid email when entered -->
                <label for="submitted">*Have you submitted a product before?</label>
                <select name="submitted" id="submitted" required>
                    <option value="yes">
                        I have submitted a product before.
                    <option value="no" selected>
                        I have not submitted a product before.

            <fieldset class="fieldSet">
                <legend>Enter the details of the product</legend>

                <label for="productName">*Product name:</label><br>
                <input type="text" id="productName" required><br>

                <label for="description">*Product Description:</label><br>
                <textarea name="description" required>*Please describe the product briefly here.</textarea><br>

                <label for="priceInput">*Product Price:</label><br>
                <input type="text" id="priceInput" onChange="displayPricing()" required><br>

                <label for="priceOutput">Price Range:</label><br>
                <input type="text" id="priceOutput" readonly><br>

                <label for="picture">*Upload a picture of the product:</label><br>
                <input type="file" id="picture" name="picture" onChange="testType()" required><br>

                <label for="url">*Upload a URL of a webpage associated with the product:</label><br>
                <input type="url" id="url" required><br>

                <p>Price Matched?</p>
                <label for="priceMatched">Yes</label>
                <input type="radio" id="priceMatched" name="priceMatching" value="wasPriceMatched"><br>

                <label for="notPriceMatched">No</label>
                <input type="radio" id="notPriceMatched" name="priceMatching" value="notPriceMatched"><br>

                <label for="easeOfDiy">*Ease of DIY:</label><br>
                <input type="text" id="easeOfDiy" required onChange="validateEaseofDiy"><br>

                <label for="toolsIncluded">*Tools Included:</label><br>
                <select name="toolsIncluded" id="toolsIncluded" required>
                    <option value="toolsAreIncluded">Tools are Included</option>
                    <option value="toolsNotIncluded">Tools are not Included</option>

                <label for="productCategory">*What category is this product?</label><br>
                <select name="productCategory" id="productCategory" onChange="createNewCategory()" required>
                    <option value="kitchen">Kitchen</option>
                    <option value="gardening">Gardening</option>
                    <option value="custom">Custom</option>

                <label for="checkedTerms">I have read the <a href="terms-and-conditions">terms and
                <input type="checkbox" id="checkedTerms" name="terms" value="haveCheckedTerms" required><br>

                <fieldset class="searchTags"><!-- a box for adding search tags-->
                    <legend>Search Tags</legend>
                    <input type="text" name="custom_entry" id="custom_entry"><input type="button"
                        value="Enter a new search tag" onclick="addSearchTag()"></input>
                <fieldset id="Reviews"> <!-- a box for adding reviews-->
                    <input type="button" value="New Review" onclick="addReview()" onChange="validateReview()">
            <input type="submit" value="submit">
            <input type="reset" value="Reset">

        <script type="text/javaScript">


            function displayPricing() //validates valid numeric input, plus produces price category field based on price
                var priceInput = document.getElementById('priceInput');
                var priceDisplay = document.getElementById('priceOutput');
                var pattern = /^-?d+(.d+)?$/; //testing for number
                if(!(pattern.test(priceInput.value))) //if not valid number
                    alert("Please enter a numeric value.");
                    priceInput.value = '';
                    return; //clear the input field
                var price = parseFloat(priceInput.value); //turning text/string output to double
                if(price < 0) //alert if less than 0
                    alert("Price cannot be below 0.");
                    priceInput.value = 0; //set to 0
                if(price == 0) //if 0
                    priceDisplay.value = 'Free';
                else if(price<25) //if under 25
                    priceDisplay.value = 'Cheap';
                else if(price<=100) //if 25 to 100 inclusive
                    priceDisplay.value = 'Affordable';
                else //anything over 100
                    priceDisplay.value = 'Expensive';

            function testType() //function that validates file types
                var picture = document.getElementById('picture'); //getting input file
                const fileTypes = ['image/jpeg', 'image/jpg', 'image/png', 'image/gif']; //has to be one of these types
                    alert('File type '+(picture.files[0]).type + ' is not a valid file type! Please upload a JPEG, JPG, PNG, or GIF for the product image.');
                    picture.value = ''; //clear
            function validateEaseofDiy() //function to validate easeofDiy as Easy, Average, or Hard
                var diyInput = document.getElementById('easeOfDiy'); //getting inputted ease of DIY
                if((diyInput.value != "easy") && (diyInput.value != "average") && (diyInput.value != "hard")) //if input isnt easy, average, or hard
                    alert('Invalid ease of DIY. The entered difficulty must be "easy", "average", or "hard". The entered input is case sensitive!');
                    diyInput.value = ''; //clear entered ease of DIY

            function addReview() //function that adds reviews with button click, was solution to zero to many selector. 
                var newReview = document.createElement('textarea');
                var lineBreak = document.createElement('br');
                var deleteButton = document.createElement("button");
                deleteButton.textContent = "Delete";
                var reviewsContainer = document.getElementById('Reviews');
                deleteButton.onclick = function()
                    newReview.remove(); //needs to delete the text area and the delete button

                newReview.placeholder = 'Enter Review Here';
                newReview.className = 'review-input'; //use to style, and to delete upon reset



                var pattern = /d+(.d+)$/ // a regex to test 0.0-5 out of 5 stars


            function addSearchTag() //function to add search tags
                var customSearchTag = document.getElementById("custom_entry").value;

                if(customSearchTag == '') //to ensure empty search tags arent added, important for when IDs are grabbed
                    alert('Added Search Tags cannot be empty'); //not sure why not alerting
                    customSearchTag = ''; //clear input
                    return; //exit method

                var newSearchTag = document.createElement("input");
                var tagContainer = document.createElement("div");

                newSearchTag.type = 'text'; //creating new search tag
       = 'searchTag';
                newSearchTag.value = customSearchTag;
       = customSearchTag;
                newSearchTag.className = 'search-Tag-Input';

                //creating delete button for new tag
                var deleteButton = document.createElement("button");
                deleteButton.textContent = "Delete";
                deleteButton.onclick = function() 
                    deleteSearchTag(tagContainer); //needs to delete the entire container

                tagContainer.appendChild(newSearchTag); //appending all elements to one container, was necessary to remove delete button upon delete

                document.getElementById("custom_entry").insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", tagContainer);

            function deleteSearchTag(tagContainer) //function delete search tag
                tagContainer.remove(); // Remove the entire container


            function resetSearchTags() //deletes all search tags
                var tagContainer = document.querySelectorAll('div');
                tagContainer.forEach(function(container) {
                    container.remove(); // Remove the entire container

            function resetReviews() //deletes all reviews
                var reviewsContainer = document.getElementById('Reviews');
                // Remove all review elements indivdually
                var reviewInputs = reviewsContainer.querySelectorAll('.review-input');
                reviewInputs.forEach(function(review) {
                // Also remove any line breaks and delete buttons
                var lineBreaks = reviewsContainer.querySelectorAll('br');
                lineBreaks.forEach(function(lineBreak) {
                var deleteButtons = reviewsContainer.querySelectorAll('button');
                deleteButtons.forEach(function(button) {

            function validateForm() //functions that runs mutliple validation functions on form submission

            function resetForm() // function that runs resets form elements that dont reset normally upon reset button

